Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Chapter 3 brave new world

Chapter three was mostly composed of this dialogue and thoughts from Bernard. It was a roundabout of information and feelings from Lenina and Fanny, from the director and controller and Henry, and the thoughts of Bernard Marx. 

In the end of the chapter all three scenes that were rotating with each other seemed to morph into present time. 

Everything Bernard was thinking was paradoxical to what the controller was explaining to the students. 

Class discussion chapters 1-4

The restatement gives the reader the same sense of conditioning like the characters in the book are experiencing.


Lit Terms 6

The act of placing in a lower rank or position.

suspicion of disbelief
Sacrifice of realism for sake of enjoyment.

The use of one thing to trigger the sense of another; conditioning.

A figure of speech in which the part is used for the whole or the whole for a part.

The rules and patterns in sentences and language.

Tongue in cheek
saying something in a mocking tone.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Chapter one notes

The last pages of my prologue were heartwrenchingly torn out. 

"Rams wrapped in theremogene beget no lambs" ??

Page 5 last paragraph extremely long sentence. 
Much satirical undertone 

Page 7 repitition: "bud out of bud out of bud"
Restatement of the directors most arguable declarations as "notes"

Irony in the atmosphere and mood of the lab; cold and sterile and I humane. Yet the lab is to create as many human lives as possible, in the most inhumane way possible. 

Monday, February 23, 2015

Chapter one notes

The last pages of my prologue were heartwrenchingly torn out. 

"Rams wrapped in theremogene beget no lambs" ??

Page 5 last paragraph extremely long sentence. 
Much satirical undertone 

Page 7 repitition: "bud out of bud out of bud"
Restatement of the directors most arguable declarations as "notes"

Irony in the atmosphere and mood of the lab; cold and sterile and I humane. Yet the lab is to create as many human lives as possible, in the most inhumane way possible. 


     Lately I have been struggling to keep up with my blog and hysterically failing. I picked up more hours at my job so that I may be promoted when I turn eighteen next month and so I can save a little more for college. Even though college applications are over and letters of acceptance are upon us, the season of scholarships and decisions hangs over our heads like a cloud. On top of all this, being an AP student also means teachers are throwing last minute preparations at us for the AP tests I personally am not even taking. I suppose the point of this little rant of mine is to provide explanation of why my blog is appearing spotty lately, I'd like it to be my top priority but sadly, that is simply impossible. I apologize and can assure to be updating frequently with missing posts in the next few days.